In 2022, people will spend almost $240 billion on digital advertising, a nearly 14% increase from 2021. By 2025, this spending will surpass $300 billion, so it's safe to say digital advertisements will continue to be the number one way to build your brand and market your business.
With so many digital advertising options out there, it's easy to miss the mark. The key to a successful ad campaign is knowing the common mistakes people make and how to correct them.
Keep reading this guide to learn five mistakes to avoid during your digital advertising campaigns so you can get on the right track!
1. You Don't Invest Enough in Copywriting
Remember, digital advertising is all about the right kind of ad copy. If you don't invest in copywriting, your advertising campaign will fall flat.
Depending on your ad format, you'll often only get a few sentences to relay vital information to your audience. For this reason, you need to have the best digital ads possible and compelling copywriting that contains things like:
A headline that immediately engages your audience and offers a solution to a problem
An ad that clearly identifies the benefits of your business overall
A clear and thought-provoking call to action
An ad that creates a sense of urgency
2. You Don't Clearly Define Your Target Audience
First, it's all too easy to cast your net too wide and try to appeal to a wide variety of consumers. Unfortunately, when this happens, you end up not having a good understanding of who your target audience actually is. As a result, your digital advertising won't be successful, no matter how on point your ads are.
The truth is, your target audience isn't a wide range of people. Instead, it's a small niche that you need to define clearly. The more you define who your potential customers are, the better you'll be able to focus your advertising.
A good way to narrow down your target audience is to do market research into who you think your potential consumers might be. You'll need to create a buyer persona, which involves how your consumers might behave, their personalities, and what their activities are.
Creating a buyer persona will guide all your digital marketing efforts and allow you to create successful ad campaigns that target this persona.
Remember, your digital ad campaigns aren't just about attracting new customers. You'll also want to instill a sense of loyalty so your existing customers will keep coming back for more.
3. Your Digital Advertising Focuses Solely on Your Products
Always keep in mind that your business exists because of your customers. You could create the most innovative products or offer the best services around, but if customers aren't buying, how much value do they really have?
Your products and services are designed to solve problems and meet the needs of your target consumers. Therefore, your advertising should focus on your target audience and what their particular problems are.
So, when you're creating your digital advertising campaign, make sure you focus on your customers by including things like:
How your product or service can make people's lives easier
How it can transform lives for the better
How it can save time throughout the day
How it addresses their unique preferences
4. You Don't Use Social Media Effectively
It's no secret that social media is one of the most effective marketing tools out there in today's market. However, it's all too easy for a business to take a relaxed attitude toward social media advertising and assume the social media campaign will run itself.
So, you'll want to start by tracking interactions with your visitors by looking at which posts get the most engagement. Doing this will also help you determine the best times to post your content throughout the day.
Look at likes, shares, and the overall theme of the comments. Make sure to regularly engage with your audience by responding to followers who mention you in comments and share your content.
Next, stay consistent and post regularly so that you stay on your customers' radar each day. You should do this by using a variety of approaches like graphics, videos, pictures, and exciting and relevant content.
In addition, be mindful of how different social media platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram will reach your audience. Instagram is best for promoting the visual appeal of what your business is selling. At the same time, LinkedIn is a better place for guides, long-form content, and short webinars.
Also, if your business financial plan allows it, consider hiring a social media professional to oversee and improve your social media strategies.
5. You're Not Identifying the Right Marketing Channels
When running a business, it can be overwhelming when you're bombarded with advertisements and advice about using specific tools to boost your advertising campaign. You also have so many different marketing channels to choose from, such as:
Display advertising
Content marketing
Email marketing
Social media marketing
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Mobile Marketing
Video Marketing
Your first step is to narrow down the top 2 or 3 marketing channels you want to try. You can do this by looking at companies similar in size and demographics to see what marketing channels they're using successfully.
Once you do this, begin by testing one marketing channel at a time. Then you'll be able to analyze the impact of your ads and determine if that channel is worth your time and money.
It's also worth the investment to hire a professional digital advertising company to help you analyze your campaign data more efficiently. This way, you'll be able to have all your campaign data in one place and generate reports to see your progress instantly.
Enlist Professional Help for Your Digital Advertisements
Remember, effective digital advertisements are key to your business's long-term success. Instead of going it alone, why not make a smart long-term investment and get professional help with your digital ad campaigns?
It's time to turn to Savant for all your digital advertising needs. You'll be able to manage your digital advertising campaigns all from one platform and monitor your campaign performance with ease.
Make sure you contact us today to request a demo of our services!