The Major Benefits of Self-Serve Advertising Platforms

Do you plan on changing your business advertising platform soon? Are you thinking about using a self-serve advertising program for your marketing? Before you fall further for a person, keep reading our guide on why you need it.

Self-serve marketing lets you place ads without the help of an advertising sales rep. It can be for any type of SEM like Google search ads and even social media marketing like Facebook ads. Even though it’s a new advertising approach, self-serve advertising is great because of a lot of things.

Below, we’ve got a list of those things or benefits of self-serve advertising. Read on to learn what the pros of self-serve advertising platforms are. Keep them in mind whenever you decide to use a self-serve advertising approach in the future.

1. Self-Serve Advertising Reduces Costs and Saves Time

Advertising through various platforms like OTT marketing and mobile in-app ads takes money. It can be a barrier that keeps small businesses from entering the advertising market. Like money, most businesses are also short on time that they can’t dedicate much to online advertising.

The good thing about self-serve advertising is that it’s available to all clients at lower rates. At the same time, it can still meet your needs without compromising quality. You get to yield an increase in market share without the need to spend more.

You also manage your media inventory and campaigns without burdening sales reps. Plus, self-serve advertising also lets you budget your time. Since it’s simple to use, you don’t need to dedicate more than the needed time to learn it or tinker around with it.

2. It Lets You Use the Most Out of Your Campaign Effectiveness

It’s always smart to maximize your campaign, no matter how small or encompassing it is. Thanks to self-serve advertising platforms, that are possible. You can now get the most out of your budget and time spent on advertising.

It helps to understand why demographic targeting is critical to making a profit. This is also what increases the chances of attracting more of your target market. It's a good thing self-serving advertising lets you learn these demographic targeting options.

In short, you’ll get the biggest ROI possible at minimum spending.

3. You Have 24/7 Access

Access to ad campaigns anywhere and anytime is a big pro of using self-serve advertising platforms.

When you’re working with a sales rep, you have to consider that person’s working hours and days. This can be difficult, especially if your schedule is often full and inconsistent. Also, the time you’ve got to speak with your sales rep is likely limited, which can keep you from communicating well.

You don’t need to wait for your advertising sales rep or ad ops specialist. You gain immediate access to your advertising campaigns at the push of a button. Some examples of these are general video ads, YouTube ads, and Hulu advertising.

Speaking of video advertising, did you know that videos get shared 1200% times more than links and text combined? This 24/7 access also makes it easier for you to start retargeting your ads. You can start making changes and executing new campaigns right away, as well.

4. You Have More Control Over Ad Sales

Over 6 in 10 US consumers say that their go-to channel for simple inquiries is a digital self-serve tool. This means most consumers use a mobile app, chat, or voice response system to make inquiries. Siri and Google Search are two popular examples of consumer-level digital self-serve tools.

Like consumers, users of self-serve platforms gain control over their advertising strategy. You decide how much you want to spend, who you want to target, and the frequency of your ads. Your control also extends to troubleshooting campaigns if something isn’t working well.

5. Self-Service Advertising Delivers a Lot of Great Options

One more great thing about self-service platforms is that there are tons of options for all users. If a certain option or approach doesn’t work well for you, you can pick another that may suit your goals better. Plus, you get the chance to test variable strategies without the risk of investing time or a large amount.

You also learn while you test different advertising opportunities. The more you get better at knowing your needs, the more you can alter your marketing strategy. Plus, you don’t need to pay extra or start from scratch again.

Are you ready to use self-serve digital ads? Before you do, pick the right self-serve advertising platform that suits your goals. Check out our latest tips for choosing a digital advertising platform.

6. You Still Have the Ability to Personalize With Self-Serve Advertising

Personalization can improve customer service and customer experiences. Also, studies show how personalized search ads and display ads are more effective. You can also use self-service platforms to personalize your campaigns.

These platforms allow you to save templates, enter names, and create custom content. These practices are simple, but they can make your customers feel valued. All you need is to know which techniques work well with your target market.

7. Self-Serve Advertising Is New and Always Evolving

Last but not least, almost all self-serve advertising platforms are always evolving. Remember, this approach to digital marketing is still quite new. This means people are still establishing the practice in the realm of advertising.

Its newness to the game means it’s open to change. The opportunities and options will change, expand, and grow. Since the concept is still young, we’re most likely going to see it develop and provide more benefits to users as it continues to grow.

It’s good to get involved in self-serve advertising platforms while the practice is still new. Other than the other benefits we mentioned here, there are also pros to being familiar with it early on. In time, we’re more likely to see an increase in the popularity and evolution of these platforms.

Start Using Self-Serve Advertising Platforms Today

That ends our list of the many benefits of self-serve advertising platforms. We hope you learned a lot of new things about self-service advertising platforms. We also hope you’re now considering using it for your digital advertising platform, PPC ads, and more.

Do you need an expert digital marketing company that can help you out with your marketing needs? Whether it’s configuring mobile geofencing, IP targeting, or search ads, Savant has you covered. Head over to our contact page today to schedule a demo or to send us your inquiries.

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