4 Tips for Making Memorable YouTube Ads That Pop

In the 21st century, it's not just enough to run a business and hang up a few signs around town. You need to get into the world of digital marketing if you want to stand any chance of succeeding. But where do you go? — and how do you start a digital marketing campaign?

We highly recommend heading over to YouTube and securing some YouTube ads. YouTube is a juggernaut, with over 2 billion active users worldwide. By creating the right Youtube ad, and using the right Youtube ad ideas, you're likely to pull in a lot of new customers. 

But how does advertising on YouTube work? How do you optimize it? Keep on reading for a guide to the top five tips for making memorable YouTubes ads. 

1. Figure Out Your Audience 

Just like any other type of advertising, you're going to want to make sure you get your demographics right before you start advertising. You'd be surprised at the number of people who mess this up. A lot of people think of YouTube as "for kids", and therefore don't engage with the wide variety of people who use the platform. 

YouTube has extremely specific demographics that they let you target. You can target college students, new parents, new home buyers, the recently retired, etc. With specificity, you'll better be able to establish customers that keep coming back to you. 

With YouTube ads, you're also able to target people based on their interests. When you think about it, they're most likely watching something they're interested in. If they get hit with an ad for a product that's similar to the video they're watching, they're far more likely to get interested in said ad.

You should also figure out remarketing. The internet has made it easier than ever to hit people who have already shopped with you with more wonderful content. Sometimes, a reminder is all it takes to turn a one-time consumer into a life-long regular. 

2. Catch the Viewer Off Guard 

When it comes right down to it, most online advertisements get ignored. This is because they often fade into the background. People view them as a nuisance, so they reject the ad as quickly as they can and expel it from their brains. 

In this age of constant stimulation, overabundant visual information, and short attention spans, you have to stand out if you want to be remembered. You have to catch people off-guard if you want to catch them at all. 

The oft-noted "Love Has No Labels" Ad went from a YouTube ad to one of the most popular YouTube videos of the year. But you don't just need to create something sentimental that tugs at people's heartstrings. You can also create something oddball, weird, or downright surprising! 

With this new age of digital content, you can flex your creative muscles, and create advertisements that go beyond the normal limits of the medium. Think of your ads as more than just commercials — think of them as short films. 

3. Make Use Of the Right Kind of Ads

With YouTube ads, you have a couple of options. You can choose pre-roll ads, which run before the video, mid-roll ads, which run during the video (much like a commercial break), and end-screen ads, which run right at the end. You can also invest in banner ads, which aren't videos at all and pop up at the bottom of the screen of the video. 

Pre-roll and mid-roll ads are most likely to catch people's attention. However, with a midroll ad, you have to have some seriously good content. If not, the audience can get annoyed that you interrupted their video with something that they don't like. Ads at the end of videos are cheaper, but they're often clicked away from since the video is already over anyway. 

The standard YouTube ad is able to be skipped after the first five seconds, so make sure your five seconds are good. If you pay extra money, you can create unskippable ads of up to 15 seconds. However, just like midroll ads, you have to make sure these are good, otherwise, the person will just look at you as annoying. 

4. Create a Great YouTube Channel 

If all goes well, people won't just want your ad, they'll seek out more about your company. However, if someone's on YouTube, they're likely in the mood for digital content. They might not want to leave the site to scroll through your static page that hawks your products. 

This is why you need to create a great YouTube channel. If they can click through your ad to go to your channel and experience more fun, emotional, quirky, surprising, or funny content, you're far more likely to hook them. Heck, they might even subscribe to you and show their friends your videos!

In the 21st century, the line between entertainment and advertising is disappearing. If you can entertain people while you advertise, you're far more likely to succeed. 

Create Great YouTube Ads

In the 21st century, attention is going online. You'll no longer get the most traction out of a TV ad. Instead, billions of people are flocking to YouTube, where they can watch unique short-form content. 

Businesses need to capitalize on this and get themselves going on some great YouTube ads. If you figure out your audience, hit them with something they don't expect, make sure of the right kinds of ads, and tie it all to a great YouTube channel, you're far more likely to succeed in this age of new technology. 

For more information, contact us and get started with a demo today. 

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