The Basics and Beyond: How to Advertise on Spotify

Almost two-thirds of people use an audio streaming service on a monthly basis. That statistic alone should make it clear that there’s huge advertising potential in audio streaming.

If you’re thinking about jumping into audio advertising, though, you have a few questions. One of them might be about how to advertise on Spotify.

This guide is meant for you. It answers all your questions about Spotify advertising, from how it works to how to get your ad on the air.

How to Advertise on Spotify

Spotify advertising can be quite simple. The first thing to do is to create an audio ad.

If you’re already making video ads, then it may be simple to create audio. You can use the audio track from the video to create this ad.

Keep in mind that most audio ads don’t have visuals, so you may need to adapt the video audio to create a more effective ad. In some cases, it’s easier to create a new audio ad.

If you’re not using video, you’ll create an audio ad from scratch. This isn’t as difficult as it sounds, especially if you’re using Spotify.

Spotify does allow you to combine video and audio advertising campaigns, so you may want to use both. This is a great option if you already have a video or were planning a video campaign.

You can also choose to run display ads on the platform. Finally, you can choose to sponsor a playlist, a novel form of advertising you can’t find on Facebook or Google.

Create Your ad

Spotify offers Ad Studio, which makes it easy to add or create content for your campaign. If you already have audio, you can add it to the platform.

If you don’t have audio yet, you can work with Spotify to create an ad.

Once you’re on the platform, you tell Spotify what you’re advertising. Then you’ll set a budget and target your audience.

Of course, you don’t have to use Spotify to create or even place your ad. A much better solution is to invest in a digital marketing platform.

Digital marketing platforms are all-in-one solutions. They work for every kind of marketing you can imagine, including Spotify ads.

Why choose a digital marketing platform? The answer is that it offers you more integration. Instead of needing to manage Facebook ads and Spotify ads and Google ads separately, you can manage them in one place.

This can improve your digital marketing strategy in a few ways. First, it lets you craft creative content that works together, across campaigns. Next, it lets you see what’s working on each platform, as well as how your campaigns are performing across platforms.

With better reporting and analytics, you can tweak your campaigns for even better performance.

The platform you choose may be able to assist you with creative content. If not, you may want to look for a team that specializes in audio ads. You could even find a digital marketing agency partner to help.

The Cost of Advertising on Spotify

Now you want to know how much it will cost you to advertise on Spotify. You’ll be glad to know that there’s currently an oversupply of audio ad space. You’ll be able to pick up some pretty plum spots and Spotify advertising costs are usually lower than ads on other networks. 

Working with a digital marketing platform can help you here too. Most of these platforms use AI to help determine the best placements for your ad.

They also determine the best bids. In turn, they help you win better placements while also staying well within your budget.

The result? You get better ad placements for less. If you’re looking for a cost-effective digital ad solution, then Spotify advertising might be it.

Benefits of Advertising on Spotify

Now you’re wondering why you should advertise on Spotify. There are quite a few good reasons.

The first is the reach of this streaming platform. Spotify is the largest audio streaming service, boasting almost 300 million users worldwide.

Audio streaming has been growing across age groups as well. Younger people are most likely to stream, but people in the 55 to 64 demographic also stream audio.

It’s not just music they’re listening to either. Some are also listening to podcasts. What’s more, Spotify and other streaming services offer extensive personalization.

They also collect information on user preferences. This lets the platform make better recommendations for music or podcasts. That same data helps your digital marketing platform pick better placements for your ads.

Finally, audio ads have high engagement rates. They also reach users that video can’t reach, such as someone driving their car or out for a jog.

Tips for Advertising on Spotify

If those facts convinced you that it’s time to advertise on Spotify, you’ll probably want to get started. These tips can help you create better ads for the platform.

First, keep the length of your ad in mind. You’ll need to write an effective script that can be delivered in a short time.

Next, remember that you’re working with audio only. Even if you’re running a video ad, people may not be looking at it. Your audio will need to get the point across without visual support.

Be sure to work with a professional voiceover artist. They can bring more emotion and conviction to your ad. That will increase engagement and impact.

Music and other sounds can also help to create an emotional impact. Be sure that the message and emotions you’re evoking fit with your brand.

Make Audio Part of Your Digital Strategy

There you have it! These tips for how to advertise on Spotify will help you craft your first successful campaign.

Wondering how you can integrate audio ads with all your other digital marketing campaigns? Get in touch with an expert team and discover the best digital marketing platform. Managing your ads is much simpler with the right tools on your side.

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